Game of Filament! Discover Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

  • Updated: July 27, 2024

Upon conducting a recent company analysis, XMAKE discovered that the FDM processing method is highly sought after by consumers across several industries.

Thus, this essay will guide readers through the aspect of their primary concerns regarding this fundamental approach of additive manufacturing.

What is FDM Technology? How Does FDM Printer Work?

XMAKE - what is FDM

In this part, I’ll introduce you to what FDM is, how FDM printing works, key components, and the materials that work best with it.

FDM 3D Printing Technology

FDM stands for fused deposition modeling(also known as fused filament fabrication), which is a type of additive manufacturing process used to create three-dimensional objects.

It works by extruding materials layer by layer to build up the object from the bottom up. This is one of the most popular 3D printing technologies due to its simplicity, affordability, and versatility.

With FDM printing, whether you are a hobbyist looking to experiment with 3D printing or a professional engineer needing to create functional prototypes, you can create prototypes, functional parts, and even artistic pieces.

Components of FDM Printer

FDM printers consist of three main components: the extruder, the build platform, and the filament spool.

The extruder: Responsible for melting the thermoplastic material.

The build platform: Moves in the Z-axis to create each layer of the object.

The filament spool: Provides the material that is fed into the extruder.

The Manufacturing Process of FDM

The workflow of FDM involves several key steps from start to finish:

Design: The process begins with the creation of a digital design file using CAD software. This design file determines the shape and dimensions of the object to be printed.

Preparation: Once the design is finalized, the file is sent to slicing software that breaks it down into layers and generates a toolpath for the printer to follow.

This toolpath defines the pattern in which the material will be deposited layer by layer.

Printing: The sliced design file is then loaded into the 3D printer, which heats the material (usually thermoplastic filament) to its melting point and extrudes it through a nozzle onto the build platform.

The printer moves by the toolpath, depositing material layer by layer until the object is fully formed.

Post-processing: After printing is complete, the object may require some post-processing steps such as removing support structures, cleaning up rough edges, and sanding or painting for a polished finish.

Thermoplastic Materials used in FDM

Thermoplastic materials are widely used in FDM due to their ability to be melted and solidified repeatedly without undergoing any significant change in their chemical properties.

This characteristic makes them ideal for printing objects without compromising their strength and durability.

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS): Known for its impact resistance and toughness, making it suitable for a wide range of applications from prototypes to functional parts.

Polylactic Acid (PLA): It is derived from renewable resources such as corn starch or sugarcane and is biodegradable.

PLA is known for its ease of use, dimensional accuracy, and low toxicity, making it a favorite among hobbyists and beginners in 3D printing.

Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PETG) and Polycarbonate (PC): These two are also common FDM materials. They have unique properties such as transparency, chemical resistance, and high-temperature resistance.

Strengths and Challenges of FDM In 3D Printer

XMAKE - FDM have significant pros and cons

After you have a basic understanding of FDM, I’ll discuss its pros and cons separately.


One of the major advantages of FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) is its cost-effectiveness.

Compared to other additive manufacturing technologies, FDM is generally more affordable, making it accessible to a wider range of users.

Wide Range of Materials

FDM allows for the use of a wide range of materials, including thermoplastics, composites, and even metal filaments.

This versatility makes it a popular choice for prototyping and production applications.


FDM printers are typically easy to use, with many models designed for home or office use.

This user-friendly interface makes it easy for beginners to get started with 3D printing and experiment with different designs.


In the FDM 3D printing process, users can customize their prints to fit their specific needs.

Whether it’s adjusting the size, shape, or material of a design, FDM offers a high level of customization that can’t be matched by other manufacturing methods.

Limited Resolution

The limited resolution is one of the most severe challenges in FDM’s processing. This can result in lower quality and less detailed prints, especially when it comes to intricate designs or small features.

Risk in Support Structure

When printing FDM parts, the printer often requires the use of support structures to prevent overhangs and ensure the stability of the print.

The problem lies in this structure. Post-processing is required with these structures, which can be time-consuming to remove.

Besides, it may leave behind visible marks on the final product and seriously affect the aesthetics.

Material Barrier

The material properties of the filaments used in FDM machines can also pose challenges.

The properties of different materials vary greatly. Certain materials may have limitations in terms of strength, flexibility, and heat resistance, which can impact the functionality and durability of the printed parts.

Comparison of FDM and other 3D printing Methods

In this part, I’ll compare the differences between FDM and other popular 3D printing methods to show you why this technology is unique.

Compare with SLA


When comparing FDM and SLA printing, one of the main differences is the material used.

FDM materials are typically thermoplastics, like ABS or PLA. While SLA printers use a liquid resin(usually we call it SLA 3D printing resin) cured by UV light.

This results in SLA 3D printers that have smoother surface finishes and higher detail levels compared to FDM prints.

On the other hand, FDM is typically more cost-effective and can produce larger parts more quickly than SLA.



Compared to SLS 3D printing technology, FDM is less expensive and easier to operate. SLS printers use powdered materials like nylon and require more maintenance due to the powder handling process.

However, SLS can produce parts with greater strength and complexity than FDM due to the lack of support structures needed.

When Facing DLP


When looking at DLP, FDM and DLP both use similar photo-polymer resin materials, but the printing process differs.

FDM builds objects layer by layer, while DLP uses a digital light source to cure an entire layer at once.

This results in DLP prints having faster printing speed and better accuracy than FDM prints, but they may not be as strong due to the layerless printing process.

How Manufacturers Use FDM in Various Industries

In this part, let’s see some printing applications of FDM and related prototypes and end-use parts in different industries.


XMAKE- FDM in automotive

FDM has been widely utilized in the automotive industry for rapid prototyping of parts with complex geometries.

This property allows manufacturers to quickly test designs and make necessary adjustments before moving forward with production.

It also enables customization of parts, such as car interiors and exterior components, to meet specific customer preferences.


XMAKE- FDM in aerospace

In the aerospace sector, FDM is employed for creating lightweight and complex parts that are used in aircraft and spacecraft.

The ability of FDM to produce intricate designs with high precision makes it a valuable tool for aerospace engineers.

By utilizing FDM, aerospace manufacturers can reduce weight, improve fuel efficiency, and streamline the manufacturing process.


XMAKE-FDM in healthcare

FDM has revolutionized the healthcare industry by enabling the production of custom implants, prosthetics, and medical devices.

Surgeons can now create patient-specific models for pre-surgical planning and practice procedures, leading to better surgical outcomes.

FDM also allows for the development of personalized medication and drug delivery systems.


XMAKE - FDM in education

Educational institutions have integrated FDM into their curriculum to teach students about additive manufacturing and design principles.

By using FDM 3D printers, students can bring their ideas to life and gain practical experience in creating prototypes and models.

This hands-on approach prepares students for careers in various industries where FDM is utilized.

Conclusion of FDM In Additive Manufacturing


In conclusion, FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology offers a cost-effective and efficient way to produce prototypes, functional parts, and even end-use products. The process involves heating and extruding thermoplastic materials layer by layer to create 3D objects.

FDM is widely used in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and healthcare due to its versatility and ease of use. It allows for customization, rapid prototyping, and low-waste production.

Future trends in FDM

As technology continues to advance, FDM is expected to see further improvements in speed, quality, and materials.

Future trends in FDM include the development of new materials with enhanced properties such as strength, flexibility, and heat resistance.

Additionally, advancements in software and hardware are likely to make the process even more streamlined and user-friendly.

The integration of FDM with other technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics could also revolutionize the way 3D printing is done in the future.

Where Can I Get the Best 3D Prototypes and Parts?

XMAKE - future trend of FDM

If you want high-quality parts printed at a lower price, high dimensional accuracy, and a shorter lead time, you should contact XMAKE.

We are a leading digital manufacturing platform with excellent manufacturing skills and rich experiences. Apart from additive manufacturing, we can also do many other processes like injection molding and CNC machining.


Q1: What are some key terms related to FDM printing?

A: Some key terms related to FDM printing include layer height, geometry, support materials, print settings, and FDM filaments.

Q2: Can FDM printers produce parts with mechanical properties comparable to injection molded parts?

A: Yes, FDM printing can produce high-quality parts with mechanical properties suitable for functional applications, depending on the material and printing parameters used.

Q3: What are some considerations when choosing FDM filaments for printing?

A: Factors to consider when choosing FDM filaments include the material properties, intended application, layer adhesion, print temperature, and post-processing requirements.

Q4: Can FDM printers work with materials other than filament?

A: Yes, FDM printers can work with a variety of materials including carbon fiber-infused filaments, resin formulations, and other durable materials.

Q5: How large objects can be printed using FDM technology?

A: FDM printers can create parts up to 200 x 200 x 200 mm or larger, depending on the specific printer model and build volume.

Q6: Can FDM technology be used for metal 3D printing?

A: Some advancements using FDM-like processes exist. However, traditional metal methods like selective laser sintering are more commonly used for metal parts.


  1. Technical principles of FDM, SLS, and SLA. (n.d.).
  2. What is FDM 3d print molding technology? How does it work? (n.d.).
  3. FDM Melt Deposit Molding Technology_CASAIM CASAIM Guangzhou Electronics Technology Co. (n.d.).

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